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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Third week of January - Math Task

Below is the math task that we will be completing in class towards the end of the week.  Begin thinking about what is involved with accomplishing this task and be prepared to discuss.  Enjoy!!

                                                                My First Fish Tank

For your birthday, you have decided you want a fish tank.  The pet store offers some starter kits that include a group of fish, a tank, and all the supplies.  You will need to pick from four different groups of fish and then pick the tank that will best suit those fish.  The sales person at the store lets you know that for every inch of fish you need 1 gallon of water.  1 gallon of water is equal to 231 cubic inches.  Below you will find the different groups of fish available at the store as well as their average adult size.  You will also need to determine which fish tank dimensions will best house your new fish.  The fish tank you choose should be as close to the necessary amount of cubic inches as possible, but should not be less than required.

Your Goals:
1)      Choose from fish group #1, #2, #3, or #4.
2)      Determine the adult size for your group of fish
3)      Choose from the dimensions provided and pick the appropriate fish tank
4)      Justify why your tank is the best choice for your fish

Formula to find the volume of a rectangular prism (typical fish tank shape): V = lwh

Fish Group #1:
Fish Group #2:
  • Seven Goldfish
  • 1 Cory Catfish
  • 2 Buenos Aires Tetras
  • 2 Rainbow Fish
Fish Group #3:
Fish Group #4:
  • Five Zebra Danios
  • Five Guppies
  • Two Cory Catfish
  • Two Cory Catfish
  • Two Buenos Aires Tetras
  • Two Rainbow Fish
  • Two Zebra Danios
  • Two Guppies

Close of Term 2

Good day parents and students,

I trust and hope that you are you enjoying your time off and your extended weekend!  As we reflect and consider what skills we have covered during term two, some include graphing on a coordinate plane, graphing rational numbers on number/vertical lines, evaluating/translating expressions, negative and positive numbers, as well as other skills.  Overall you should be very proud with our progress!

As we move forward into term three, we will continue to complete weekly MSA Packets, strengthen our understanding with the sixth grade curriculum, and reinforce integrating math tasks into our weekly discussions in class.  Continue working hard and I know that we will have a fun, exciting, and motivating term three.

See you ready to learn on Thursday!!

~ Mr. Hinson